2020 |
Aufgrund der Coronavirus-Pandemie sind alle Veranstaltungen für 2020 abgesagt worden.
24.-29.06.2019 |
7th International Proteomics Summerschool, Greifswald
23.-28.07.2018 |
6th International Proteomics Summerschool, Greifswald
24.-26.07.2018 |
6th Workshop on Prokaryotic Genomics & Bioinformatics, Göttingen
19.09.-22.09.2017 |
ProkaGENOMICS 2017, 7th European Conference on Prokaryotic and Fungal Genomics, Göttingen
18.-21.07.2017 |
5th Workshop on Prokaryotic Genomics & Bioinformatics, Göttingen
17.-22.07.2017 |
5th International Proteomics Summerschool, Greifswald
19.-24.07.2016 |
4th International Proteomics Summerschool, Greifswald
29.09.-02.10.2015 |
ProkaGENOMICS 2015, 6th European Conference on Prokaryotic and Fungal Genomics, Göttingen
20.-25.07.2015 |
3rd International Proteomics Summerschool, Greifswald
15.-17.07.2015 |
3rd Workshop on Prokaryotic Genomics & Bioinformatics, Göttingen
12.02.2015 |
CDiff Postdoc/PhD Treffen, Universität Göttingen
24.-25.10.2014 |
Göttinger Mikrobiologie-Symposium 2014, Paulinerkirche Göttingen
23.-25.07.2014 |
2nd Workshop on Prokaryotic Genomics & Bioinformatics, Göttingen
14.-19.07.2014 |
2nd International Proteomics Summerschool 2014, Greifswald
01.07.2014 |
CDiff-Projekttreffen, Hannover
17.12.2013 |
Kick-Off Meeting des CDiff-Projekts, Braunschweig
9.-11.10.2013 |
1st Workshop on Prokaryotic Genomics & Bioinformatics 2013, Göttingen
20.-22.09.2013 |
NZMG und NatLifE2020 organisieren Retreat auf Hiddensee
15.-19.07.2013 |
1st International Proteomics Summerschool 2013, Greifswald
11.01.2013 | Feierliche Eröffnung des NZMG